New report reveals major flaws with flagship carbon credits scheme on Indigenous land in Kenya
New report highlights how the sale of carbon credits from Protected Areas could increase the funding of human rights abuses.
New report highlights how the sale of carbon credits from Protected Areas could increase the funding of human rights abuses.
A "Genocidal Bill" is being cosidered in Peru's Congress, which could wipe out uncontacted tribes across the nation.
In Brazil, Ibama agents and others are stepping in to remove thousands of illegal goldminers from the Yanomami Indigenous Territory.
Survival proposes a new six-point plan to stop the genocide of the Yanomami people.
A devastating new report has revealed the crisis in the Yanomami territory caused by a massive invasion of illegal goldminers.
The GBF “failed to take the bold step required to really protect nature"
Botswana’s Appeal Court has denied a Bushman family the right to bury their elder on his ancestral land.
Our Top 5 of the worst statements made by governments and NGOs during COP15...