Indonesian Senate Leader: Protect uncontacted tribe from nickel mining
One of Indonesia's most senior politicians says the government should protect an uncontacted tribe from nickel mining.
One of Indonesia's most senior politicians says the government should protect an uncontacted tribe from nickel mining.
Tesla explores the need for the creation of no-go mining areas where uncontacted Indigenous people live.
Renowned Indian experts on the Indigenous peoples in the region are demanding that the Great Nicobar Development Project be scrapped.
Survival has launched a new report to mark World Heritage Day highlighting UNESCO's complicity in the abuse of Indigenous people.
The uncontacted Kawahiva people's existence was confirmed 25 years ago, but their land remains unprotected.
Genocide scholars have warned that India's plans to turn an uncontacted tribe’s island into a mega-port will wipe them out.
A charity linked to Prince Harry has been funding rangers responsible for abuses against Indigenous people in the Congo.
A health crisis is ravaging the Yanomami people in Brazil’s northern Amazon, one year on from emergency operation.