
"We have Indigenous warrior women working in our territories"
In this video, Jéssica Tupinambá, from the Tupinambá people of the Tupinambá de Olivença Indigeno...

Venezuela miners attack Ye'kwana people

1:53 Yekwana Indigenous people against mining in Venezuela
Ye’kwana Indigenous people denounce violence and illegal mining on their territory. The Ye’kwana...

"Since the World Heritage Site was declared our life has got harder every day"
Kampu, an Indigenous Karen youth from Kaeng Krachan National Park in Thailand, describes the desp...

Watchtowers over the uncontacted Shompen people in India?
The Shompen people are one of the most isolated peoples on Earth - but the Indian government is p...

“Don’t you dare take our land”
Watch this video message from Adlun Fiqri, an activist from the Indigenous Sawai people of Halmah...

“Don’t you dare take our land”
Listen to these powerful voices of Indigenous resistance from recently contacted Hongana Manyawa ...

“Electric car frenzy could destroy an uncontacted people”
The Hongana Manyawa’s rainforest on Halmahera island, Indonesia, is being destroyed by nickel min...

240628 Karipuna - Andre
The Karipuna lands in Brazil have been one of the most invaded and deforested Indigenous territor...

"The main problem we, Indigenous peoples, see is that nature is being traded"

Why national parks are not as good as you think…
Did you know that the creation of Protected Areas for conservation has led to hundreds of thousan...