Brazil Congress overrides Lula’s veto of PL2903: Survival’s reaction
Brazil’s Congress has pushed through a new law containing a series of extreme anti-Indigenous measures.
Brazil’s Congress has pushed through a new law containing a series of extreme anti-Indigenous measures.
The EU Parliament has condemned evictions of Indigenous Maasai communities under the guise of conservation.
Unique uncontacted tribe at risk of being destroyed by mega-development, with which authorities in India have vowed to go ahead.
Campaigners have warned that carbon credits now represent “as big a threat to Indigenous lands as logging and mining.”
Three leading human rights organizations have released a statement denouncing Kenya’s illegal evictions of the Ogiek people.
Kenyan authorities are illegally evicting up to 700 Ogiek people from their homes in the name of conservation.
Video proves logging and nickel mining operations are now penetrating the rainforest of uncontacted Hongana Manyawa people.
Campaigners have warned that the imminent destruction of the Sentinelese's little-known neighbors, the Shompen, is going unnoticed.