Land at last for Indians evicted by fraudster
Decades after it was stolen, Paraguay's President Cartes has today signed a historic bill to return Enxet Indians their land.
Decades after it was stolen, Paraguay's President Cartes has today signed a historic bill to return Enxet Indians their land.
After 20 years of government inaction, the Enxet have decided to return home
More land for Enxet after a decade-long fight
Enxet Indians in Paraguay have won back ancestral land after years of living next to a highway
Enxet Indians returned small part of ancestral land after year of campaigns
European Commission project called, 'Sustainable Development in the Paraguayan Chaco' still leaves most Indians without land.
Survival has obtained a copy of a damning new report focussing on a controversial EU 'development' project in Paraguay. The independent study shows that the European Commission has seriously misled EU governments to get the project approved.
A controversial EU development project in Paraguay has been approved even though it violates the EU's own policy on Indigenous peoples.