Andaman tribal women widowed by poisoning remarry
August 15, 2018

© Survival
This page was created in 2018 and may contain language which is now outdated.
Four women from the tiny Andaman tribe the Onge, who were widowed in December in a tragic poisoning incident, have remarried.
The women lost their husbands after a large group of Onge drank an unknown liquid from a container that washed ashore on their island reserve.
Eight members of the tribe died, reducing the population to only 92. Fifteen more were hospitalized, but recovered.
The four women married new Onge husbands in a joint ceremony. All four have young babies.
An Onge baby boy was born on 24 December, bringing the tribe’s number to 93.
The Onge were devastated following British occupation of the Andaman Islands in the 19th Century. Their numbers have fallen drastically from around 670 in 1900.
By contrast, the nearby Jarawa tribe have only had friendly contact with outsiders for 10 years, while the Sentinelese continue to resist all contact.