Background briefings

Belo Monte dam
A series of mega dams is being built as a central part of Brazil’s Accelerated Growth Programme, which aims to stimulate the country’s economic growth by building a huge infrastructure of roads and dams, mainly in the Amazon region. The size of th...

Factory Schools
“In school, the teachers call us dirty. They call us pigs and dogs.” Rahman, Orang Asli, Malaysia Today around two million tribal children worldwide are being taught in Factory Schools, where they are stripped of their Indigenous identity and indo...

Fighting deforestation is itself big business From roundtables, to suspect sustainability certificates, to huge international conferences, billions of dollars have been spent trying to save our Earth’s arboreal lungs. But what if the easiest, ch...

There you go!
Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.

... and now for the good news
For centuries, tribal peoples have had their lands stolen and suffered violence and oppression. But things are changing... join us in celebrating some of the reasons for optimism.

Davi Biography
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami is an indigenous leader and shaman from Brazil.

Q&A with Davi Kopenawa
In April 2014 Davi Kopenawa, a shaman and spokesman of the Yanomami tribe, visited the San Francisco Bay Area to talk about the urgent need to safeguard the world’s rainforests for future generations.

A Dangerous Controversy
Uncontacted tribes thrive when their lands are protected. They frequently indicate – by pointing arrows up at passing planes, leaving crossed spears in the forest, and more – that they do not want contact. But some academics are calling for outsid...

Sierra del Divisor: The Watershed Mountains
In the depths of the Amazon lies a region known as the Sierra del Divisor – “The Watershed Mountains” This unique and biodiverse land is home to a number of uncontacted tribes. They are running for their lives from loggers and drug traffickers w...

Yaguareté Porã
Home to the country's last remaining uncontacted Indians and famed for its biological diversity, Paraguay's Chaco forest is being rapidly destroyed by Brazilian company Yaguareté Porã to provide beef for Europe, Russia and China. If the company is...

Tiger Reserves, India
The lives of tribal people across India are being destroyed in the name of tiger conservation. This is illegal under national and international law. And it won’t save the tiger.

Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana
The Central Kalahari Game Reserve was created in 1961 as a “place of sanctuary” for the Bushmen to live in. Now these Bushmen hunters are being starved off their land in the name of conservation despite diamonds being mined inside the reserve.