Niyamgiri Hills, India
h2. Sacred
At the centre of the struggle was the Dongria’s sacred mountain, the ‘mountain of law’. The Dongrias worship the top of the mountain as the seat of their god and protect the forests there.
Vedanta Resources wanted to mine the bauxite from the top of the same mountain.
The Dongria Kondh would lose their livelihood, their identity and the sanctity of their most religious site.
In common with other "displaced tribal peoples worldwide":/campaigns/progresscankill, they would also lose their present good health, their self-sufficiency and their expert knowledge of the hills, forests and farming systems that they have nurtured.h2. From Survival's website
"*Vedanta Resources*":/vedanta
"*7,000 march against British mining company Vedanta*":/news/4105
"*Dongria Kondh's sacred mountain*":/tribes/dongria/sacredmountain
"*'Progress can kill' campaign*":/campaigns/progresscankill
Survival's short movie captures the voice of the Dongria Kondh as they face Vedanta's incursions.

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