Perenco - Oil company
It is not difficult to see why Perenco wants to work in this region. The discovery of oil there is believed to be the biggest in Peru in 30 years – an estimated 300 million barrels.
During a personal visit to one of the wells, Peru’s president, Alan Garcia, declared the discovery a ‘miracle.’
‘We’re people just like you’
Barrett Resources, the company acquired by Perenco last year, recommended that its workers shout a number of messages if they came across any uncontacted Indians.
These included, ‘We’re people just like you’, ‘We haven’t come here to look for women, we have our own women in our own village’ and ‘Is something disturbing you?’

Perenco claims the area is uninhabited, but the Peruvian government, the Ecuadorian government, local Indigenous organizations and countless experts have all recognised the presence of isolated Indians in the area.h2. From the web
‘Do Peru’s uncontacted tribes even exist?’ – Guardian UK
‘Perenco in the dock’ – Independent UK
‘Tribes threatened by London-based firm’ – Daily Mail UK
‘In praise of Alberto Pizango’ – Guardian UK
Perenco website
From Survival’s website
Uncontacted tribes of Peru
News: 100s of Perenco workers to enter tribes’ territory
Uncontacted Tribes campaign
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